Sunday, November 20, 2005

Historical Plan of Manila

Plano de la Ciudad de Manila
The city in 1783. AGI
the history of Manila was plagued by earthquakes, fires and natural accidents of diverse nature, that forced successive reconstructions and served their constructors to carry out a better material preparation.

Plan of the City of Manila. Antonio Giménez. Signed by governing general military Jaudenes. 1898. SGE At the end of 19th century the urban structure of Manila was completed. The original defensive configuration stayed invariable during the Spanish time, and it is conserved at the present time.

Manila Intramuros. 1839. L.A. Garci'a. SHM During the 19th century to crystallize in Manila a peculiar and polished domestic architecture fruit of the mestization of colonial types that are adapted to the local conditions and to the appearance of a bourgeoisie that is developed at a time of freedom of commerce and greater facility in the communications.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


The main façade of the Manila Cathedral is graced by statues of famous saints sculpted in Roman travertine stone. In the old cathedral, they were originally made of molave wood. The saints are:

St. Rose of LimaSt. Jacob the Great

TOP: (left) St. Rose of Lima, patroness of the Philippines by Angelo Fattinanzi, and (right) St. Jacob the Great.

BOTTOM: (from left to right) St. Andrew the Apostle, preacher of the faith in many corners of Asia and patron of saint of Manila, by Livia Papini; St. Francis Xavier, apostle of the Indies, by Alcide Tico; St. Polycarp, old bishop of Smyrna, by Alcide Tico; and St. Anthony Abbot, founder of Oriental monasticism, by Livia Papini.

St. Andrew the ApostleSt. Francis XavierSt. PolycarpSt. Anthony Abbot